Garfield logan law

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

When to Opt for Legal Dispute Resolution?

When two parties have a disagreement over something, there comes a time when the disagreement turns to dispute. For this dispute to be solved, the parties need resolution methods that are a combination of compromises, rules, arbitrations and negotiations that allow for a successful solution that is fair on both the parties involved. While more than two parties can have disputes it is usually limited to the two major players, making the whole thing as simple as is legally possible.
Dispute resolution usually happens over many stages and the first is, of course, the extra judicial process. While this is often considered the first step there are many cases where, the parties have already tried and failed in the arbitration categories, not having any success at conciliation, the terms becoming harder to comply or follow. This makes negotiation pointless and reaches no acceptable solution. It is in these cases that the legal system is approached to find a solution for the problem.
Legal dispute resolution methods include lawsuits, litigations and arbitrations among other legal process that involve the judge, jury or arbitrator. Though most people do not really resort to the legal methods at first, most often the disputes turn this way, because the other non-judicial methods have failed.
The spectrum of all the legal dispute resolution methods include all the consensual processes and the others that involve third party negotiations. The judicial processes are tried more as a last resort or in some other cases like those that follow.
When one side has strong legal points
A dispute is essentially a serious disagreement and when one side has a legal stronghold and a valid set of points, it is only natural that they will not settle for compromises or other mediation processes that allow for them to give a little leeway to the other party and approach them for discussions regarding the issues at hand.
Those disputes that have gone beyond other methods
While the arbitrary dispute resolution methods try their best, some disputes cannot be solved with them and would require better handling and a stronger legal presence. This is where it is important to consult a proper attorney who is specialised in dispute resolutions, like attorneys from Garfield Logan Law and have their advice on the legal processes to be followed for the successful and favourable resolution of the disputes in question.
When the parties want professional intervention
It is essential to handle cases of higher magnitude professionally, and not resort to third party arbitrators who do not understand the nuances of the negotiation. These cases can only drag the dispute on without a solution in picture and make the whole ordeal longer and more strenuous to everyone involved without reaching a proper conclusion even after multiple attempts.
This is where professional intervention of a practiced attorney is important to reach a resolution case legally, trusting the judiciary to bring forth a conclusion where arbitrators and mediators have tried and failed multiple times. Legal dispute resolution is the only choice when the alternate methods have not succeeded much.