Garfield logan law

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How to Make a Divorce Easier to Handle With Perfect Attorney?

A divorce or a parting of a relationships is sometimes the hardest things to do. But in the long run, it makes sense to legally annul a marriage that is not working out rather than try to hold on when neither the mind nor the heart are in it. A divorce involves the laws of the Government and is mostly an expensive, lengthy and draining process. But with the right lawyer, this ordeal can be made easier.
Why choosing the right lawyer is important!
Aside from legal complexities, a divorce can turn out to be a mentally draining process. Much of the process is conducted during times of emotional upheaval, making it harder than usual to take the right decisions. The right divorce attorney can make all the important difference, in giving sensible counsel and making the whole process faster and less expensive. A divorce should not be that nightmarish process that drains one of all resources and finances, and the right divorce attorney is focused on making the divorce happen as quickly as legally possible and choosing the right one is important. Garfield Logan Law has specialists who can make the process much easier.
Understanding the purpose of a divorce attorney
Anyone who has applied for divorce and approached an attorney has already made the decision to go for a divorce rather than giving the marriage another chance. The realistic outlook for a divorce attorney is to make the proceedings themselves happen faster and with as low a financial drain as possible. The job of the attorney, however, is not to advice on the advantages or otherwise of the marriage itself. The couple are expected to have tried marriage counselling before approaching divorce as the only remaining option. Understanding this crucial difference would make the proceedings easier.
The essential job of a divorce attorney
The divorce attorney is the person who legalises the separation and represent a client to the best of their ability. They are not the marriage counsellor who tries to understand or work out the core issue in the marriage, nor are they therapists. The focus of the divorce attorney is on the ultimate goal – successfully annulling the marriage legally in a divorce. Any other expectation towards them is unrealistic. The attorney would do the job they are paid for, and the blanket of their services include only processing the divorce, and not try to go to the roots or the future of the relationship.
The qualities of a divorce attorney
A divorce attorney should be a skilled negotiator, understanding that the other side might want the most they could make out of the divorce. The negotiation skills should extend to legally separating property, assets and any joint mortgages and loans so that neither side gets more or less than their rightful share of either one. In case of the couple having children, it is important for the attorney to be able to legally note down custody and visitation rights to ensure the safety of the child or children in question. An additional goal would be to ensure very less deprecation in the lifestyle of the client they are representing, especially as a single parent after divorce.
Garfield Logan Law firm has trusted attorneys who specialise in Marital Arrangements and Settlements and ensure that a divorce happens without much damage to their client.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

8 most common reasons people file divorce

It is always recommended to get out of the malfunctioning relationship than to suffer for the whole life. But yes, repercussion might get severe, both in terms of financially and emotionally. If the couple has a child or children, sometimes, it gets difficult to come to this solution.

Here are some of the common reasons for divorce cases being filed and solved every year.

(i)    Infidelity

Honesty and trust are a MUST in a relationship. Many times, it is seen that people tend to have the extra-marital affair after long years of marriage. Neglect, ignorance, boredom, and under-appreciation are some of the common causes of an extra-marital affair. Thus, one moves forward towards new friendship, spending quality time with a new friend. Ultimately, getting into a romantic relationship with this new friend.

(ii)    Communication gap

Communication is the most important part of this relationship. Good communication leads to a strong marriage. Whereas, not being able to communicate quickly leads to acrimony and frustration. Screaming at your partner, not talking properly throughout the day is some of the alarming activities for getting ditched in a marriage.

(iii)    Constant argument

The relationship gets killed over arguing about small things about kids to daily routines. Many times, it is seen that couples argue over the same things again and again. They feel as if they are not being heard or appreciated by their partner. Many times, it is hard to see the other person’s point of view leading to loads of argument. Ultimately, no resolution is taken on the issue of the argument.

(iv)    Money

There is a saying, “Money makes people do funny things”. It is indeed so very true. Everyone is from different spending habit with different financial goals. Considerably, one partner makes more money than that of the other, causing a lot of power struggle. Often, it forces a marriage to go towards a breakpoint. Drawing towards divorce, money, and stress goes hand-in-hand for many couples.

(v)    Unrealistic Expectation

It is often seen that couples go to the marriage with high expectations. They expect their spouse and marriage to live up to their imagination. Ultimately, when they fail to have it, they tend to break their marriage out of stress and strains.

(vi)    Lack of equality

It is seen that one partner takes all the responsibility to live up to the expectation of the other. On the other side, the other partner does not share as much as responsibility as like as the other. Negotiation is a must in this situation. Everyone must take equal responsibility to sustain their marriage. Everyone must respect their spouses to maintain a harmonious and joyful relationship.

(vii)    Mental preparation for marriage

Surprisingly, many couples reported that they were not prepared for their marriage during divorce proceedings. It is seen that the divorce rates are highest among couples in their 20s. Major divorces occur in the first 15 years of marriage.

(viii)    Abuses

We often get to hear about physical and mental abuses happening among the couples. It is one of the saddest parts of the marital reality. Whatsoever might be the reason, one shouldn’t tolerate any kind of abuses in a relationship. It is very important to get removed from such situation safely with proper settlement and agreements on the same.

Summary: Garfield Logan Law combats for the best settlement and agreement for marriage on your behalf. Not only that, they protect you from pre and post-marital agreements too. Get in touch with them at or call 949-489-1251 for more.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Divorce With The Smile of Your Kid? A Grown UP Decision!

We often see people who wonders to take divorce & question themselves or others “I can” or “I can’t”... There is always a strong point to say yes “I can” but so many “I can’t” bothers you to think like, I can’t handle this pressure, I can’t get over my anger ,‘I can’t take this anymore, I can’t deal with her/him, I can’t co parent with him/her, and I can’t date ever again. But have you seat for a moment and rethink all the situations? 

There are many subsequences, If you experienced or have deal with other divorced people. You can discover that every situations has 2 different views as a coin. Divorce is like a mirror, you will see the perfect reflection of your situation. So you might think in which causes you supposed to go with divorce and what are the better solutions to come over it. 

Hire the amicus attorney, like Garfield Logan Law who is good fit to you and happy to represent you with the strong description and provide better settlement options. Go with the Lawyers whose finger is always perched on the button which will definitely change the fate of your marriage. 

Many of cases are confused in applying for divorce. Why? Because they may thought...
  • Divorce is a platitude among people in knock back.  
  • Divorce is like a nightmare for your kids.
  • Divorce is for dumb people which reflects mental illness.
  • Divorced people thinks their ex partner is holding back his/her career.
But what will you do if you are facing these problems?
  • In case of you are a victim of violence!
  • If you are facing a lack of individual identity, respect, unmet expectations?
  • Not being the priority of your loved one?
  • If intimacy disappears?
  • Financially conflicts aries?
Rest of all these things you can go for divorce with the smile. Also you can give the best gift to your kids by spending formal time together without having any disputes. Of Course it’s difficult but not impossible if you and your partner want the same things. 

There is adequate research done by Garfield Logan Attorney that divorce isn’t the worst thing that parents can do to kids or even themselves also. Fighting terribly and subjecting each other is the worst and also impact to your kids emotions. 

Make an Empowering Choice. 

The following are some tips to help you achieve as close to a happy divorce as one can hope for.
  • Realize you are not alone and join a support group
  • Find a new hobby.
  • Don’t involve the children.
  • Be organized!
  • Determine what is most important to you
  • Acceptance
  • Schedule family time for your kid which would help your child with very difficult transition. Try to be present together in your child’s school concerts, birthday parties, and other special events in which your kid is mainly focused.
  • Who ever take the child custody be a part of your child’s happy to difficult moments as a family.
In an epilogue, Take a more dignified approach to separation by speaking with attorney, like Garfield Logan Law which is responsible, sensible and affordable. Be the fighter not with your partner but with the situation and convert all negative effects into boon for your family and child.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What is Property Tax Exemptions In Real Estate?

The exemption is something that relates to an exception in terms of being free of some rules or not having the same things to be applied on. Let consider the case of the real estate. Wherein all the real and personal properties are subject to pay the tax. Whether it is said by the federal government or you say state laws. But there are exemptions, too. Yes, unsurprisingly. In the taxpaying too, we have exceptions to follow. And that is ended with the aim of the development of business, encourage certain types of development or to give a place to low-income housing. It can be better by the aid of the advocates like Garfield Logan law. 

Well, the exemptions are the great beginning for the things that are developing in the country and are not developed Fully- fledged. It will help somewhere drastically in the country’s development. 

Let us see, at what points the exemptions are being made? 

Exemptions vary from full to partial tax solace. It depends on a town or city -provides exemptions in the full or partial bases of the properties or development. There are also exemptions for the homeowners and also the other exemptions are existing in the USA.
  • Certain municipal fines
  • County city and school purposes
  • Government property
  • Veterans.
  • Senior Citizens (Persons over age 65)
There are generally, the taxes are applied for the damage of any municipal properties or breaking some kind of municipal rules. So the fines can be exempted in some of the terms of exemptions. The lawyers like Garfield Logan Law are having the in-depth knowledge of the laws where it has exemptions. It is also, obvious that all the senior citizens cannot afford much of the expense. So the nation should think about the most senior persons of the country. And hence, not give the pressure for making tax paid. 
Also, the location of the property does matter in property tax deals. If a taxpayer owns property in more than one area or owns property that is moveable, like a car then it can be difficult to determine the most certain location. For the purpose of determining the property tax on the items. The law is variable from one place to another place and it is the known issue of legal practice.

Sometimes, the laws create chaos for the normal people who do not know the legal things nor having the interest in knowing the legal structures or rules. They can follow the rules being applied to them to follow directions. It is good to have information about the real estate properties. The properties are applied the tax rules of the state or country is being resided. No matter wherever the owner resides at another location. 

Opposite for the movable properties of the car. Movable properties are falling under the taxation of the location where the owner resides with it. So there are many kinds of exceptions in real estate, one can contact experienced lawyers like Garfield Logan Law for further assistance. 


The government of the state or the country is made to help nation’s people with less amount of pressure on them in all the terms. People should follow the best in practice habits to support the nation.

Monday, November 27, 2017

How does California see the “Taxes”? Do You Know?

12/31/17 Real Estate 10:11 PM Business Planning false Tax Paying

The united states of America - a nation of 50 different states with a bit different laws but centrally controlled. California covering the west coast of USA makes an emerging impact on business and developed state. California’s rules, regulations, and laws take another wing of the united states. And we have best of the US attorneys in California. Named as Garfield Logan law. Generally, the people don't focus on the law related terms but it affects all and relate all. Then why we should not take care of it? Let’s understand how California see the taxes in all niche or especially in real estate? 

State inheritance taxes & Pick up tax 

For the inheritance taxes, it must be paid by the person receiving inherited property. Inheritance tax exemptions and rates can be altered depending on the property receiver. Most of the states are having pickup tax called for technically carrying estate or inheritance tax laws of taxation at the time of decedent’s death. Under this system, while a state tax return must be filed on behalf of the estate. In most of the states, no extra is needed beyond the federal government tax. 

Personal Income Tax 

California is having taxes for Residents must complete returns on Form 540 2EZ or Form 540. Nonresidents or part-year residents should file 540NR Short Form or 540NR Long Form. When that date falls on a weekend or holiday, filers get until the next business day of extension to file a tax. 

Audits & Accounting 

The audits and tax appeals of the citizens of the California can be handled by the lawyers that involve state income tax, property tax, sales and using of tax related to the tobacco, lottery tickets, and others. 

California residential issues 

It happens when the people get claimed for residential property of them. Whether it is in California or may be in other states. The tax authorities can apply the tax when and wherever it is required. Here to protect such claims, lawyers like Garfield Logan Law are good at their practice and can help with the concern. 

IRS in California 

IRS can make people a step back when they even think of a breaking a taxation in California. Because laws are bitter but made for the nation only. IRS can have different types of audits and taxes to apply if not well followed by the people and guided by the attorneys. It can be IRS appeals, IRS tax audit, tax court litigation, trust fund penalty defense and more. 

California has different tax board to chase and correct the wrong sides!
  • CA Franchise Tax Board
  • CA employment development department
  • CA state board of Equalization

Here to conclude with the California’s taxation, it has more to go with different departments and in detail conceptions for each circumstance or solution to each escape a person may perform. One can consult taxation attorneys like Garfield Logan Law to conduct legal help for taxation in California. Because it is the state of a nation that has the statute of limitations and it needs to be in line to equalize the rights of each citizen.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Does Closing a Business require anything intending to “Law”?

Initiating a business seeks a lot more care and pamper from all the sides. And closing a business is just shutting down the office and turning off the lights. Is it? Not at all! Because closing a running business needs more attention than even making any initiation. Especially when you’re well established as the whole and sole of the business. Prominent advocates like Garfield Logan Law makes more insight on business queries under their practice areas. You may be just thinking to retire from the years of tomorrow. Or closing a business may relate to those startups not making any extra aid with the money. 

Well, whatever the reason regarding closing business, but it needs a great care for the law. Let us see dissolving business steps. What includes it? 

Filing with the State: Every business or small startups will be having a registration with the state level papers so they need to note a file over there about their closing activity. 

Tax Agencies: Yes, it is imperative to make tax agencies notify about your closing of business. Because they may continue to claim the amount even after closing the business. If you've failed to make them aware. They will be having some tax forms and you have to make correspondence with the IRS as well. And these all can be possible with the legal guidance of advocates like Garfield  Logan Law. 

Collecting Money: A business will have credit and debts at the same time. Here the important thing to note is collecting the money from the people having debt at your firm. And this should be started from the first instance of thought to close a business. 

Canceling the Licenses: Documentation related to the licenses need to be canceled at the time of closing the business activities. Because it prevents others using your name fraudulently. 

Notifying Creditors: According to Garfield Logan Law business or a firm when is about to close will inform all the persons relating to it. It includes creditors, lenders, insurers, suppliers, vendors and more. And it becomes necessary for LLCs and corporations to inform creditors before the deadline filing of paperwork related to the claims. 

Handling Assets: When you have finally decided to end up with your business, it is up to you to decide the assets you have purchased for the business. The owner will be taking guidance from the surrounding and lawyers as well to make properties allowed for sale or to be given any organization for non-commercial usage. 

Everything here matters need a Law and A lawyer!

The mentioned things here are not separate from the business laws. Because every business will have business lawyers. Who will constant in concern with the business owners for the updates. And only the sole guidance will be of lawful people only. The reason behind not falling into an unexpected problem. The licenses, the taxpaying paperwork, the creditor's notice and more things in the paperwork are being done with the legal guidance only. And those are the lawyers only who make legal notices. As mentioned earlier, the California is good to go with the legal advice because of the lawyers like Garfield Logan Law. Closing a business will require legal notices to send out to the concerning people.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Paid Enough Bucks? Still Found Construction Defects at Your Home?

Everyone’s dream to make their residence a beautiful, comfort giving and a flawless secure place. A home is always sweet and to make it forever home sweet home, we make long-term investments for it. The people who take responsibilities to make our home a great ambiance sometimes lack their roles or the responsibilities they are already paid for. Or maybe the intentionally using the materials that were not aiming from the clientele(us). There comes a boom in the legal matters and the deeds that need to be executed at anyway. Because the things we pay for, should not miss the expectations. In fact, the construction should take care of all those things that are out of the owner’s view.

But the problem arises when the least are not meeting the lines!

Construction Defects Basics

Here the main thing a homeowner can do is, report the complaints to the courts or the advocates like Garfield Logan Law. The problem is the homeowners cannot detect the defect at the first look of a ready-made home. They take time to be detected. Because the material that is used with no quality will show the effect after some time. And the problem is the Statute of limitations in some of the states can not allow complaining after reaching some time. There is always some duration to make complaints upon the construction defects. So the owners should need to note the defects while giving their home for construction to others. 

The need for the Lawyers rise when the people don’t know the laws which are applied to the particular situation in construction defects. If the lawyers are being informed before the construction starts then they can take some actions against the builder. And the lawyers must be from the real estate attorneys like Garfield Logan Law

Causes of  Construction Defects 

 The poor construction of the roofs
 Inadequate structural support
 Cracks in concrete foundation
 Defective building materials usage 
 Lack of observation while building 
 Improper Electrical installation may cause defects
 failure of insulating 

Gauging Liability 

To make the contractor or the agency you had hired for the construction of the building liable for the defects, attorneys need to analyze the contract from the beginning. The lawyers can not sometimes target the direct cause of the defects in construction. However, they know the root of the defect. They need to alter the way of blaming them. Because when they come to know the defect in construction, the statute of limitation has already been due. The legal actions can be taken for these reasons or can file the lawsuits using this:

 A breach of contract
 Breach of warranty
 Made fraud
 Cheated on the said conditions
 Not met with the promise
 Use of toxic mold

Concluding that the construction defects should not be considered as the normal ones. The proper actions can work a lot and even can give the justice to the money you have paid already. The people can aid with such problems from the spokespersons like Garfield Logan Law.